Sit and Spin

Nap Eyes’ I’m Bad Now

Artist: Nap Eyes

Album: “I’m Bad Now”

Label: Paradise of Bachelors

Reason We’re Cranking It: As intimate as a living room performance, “I’m Bad Now” invites you inside, rolling out a welcome mat from the very first sound that breaks free from your speakers. Warm and enticing, the third full-length from the Novia Scotian foursome is like a hot cup of coffee on a cold March day – calming at first, but you know it will give you that much-needed pick-me-up once it absorbs into your bloodstream.

What The Album Tells Us About Them: Playing like a great work of contemporary fiction where each song is an additional chapter in the story, “I’m Bad Now” is a new kind of New York Times Bestseller. Singer, songwriter and rhythm guitarist Nigel Chapman is both author, bringing a compelling narrative to his lyrics, and illustrator, adding depth to the world that Nap Eyes has created through his vintage voice.

Track Stuck On Repeat: We’re following Chapman and crew on “Follow Me Down,” a song that calls out to us like a subdued singalong, leading us step by musical step down a pathway that will remain in our minds well after we move on from the album. We can leave it, but it won’t leave us.

Coming To A City Near You: Nap Eyes tour dates can be found here.

And that means…

Tags : I'm BadI'm Bad NowNap EyesNigel ChapmanParadise of Bachelorssit-and-spin

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