
Internet Arms

Sit and Spin

Diane Coffee’s Internet Arms


Artist: Diane Coffee

Album: Internet Arms

Label: Polyvinyl Record Co.

Reason We’re Cranking It: Quickly leaping to the top of our still expanding Best of ‘19 list, “Internet Arms” is a meticulously crafted and fully fleshed out magnum opus from Diane Coffee, the alter ego of former child voice actor Shaun Fleming. Having once given life to animated characters on popular Disney series like “Kim Possible” and “Teacher’s Pet,” he has now birthed a beautiful collection of pop songs from the mind of his fictional caffeinated surname, which we recognize as his greatest role to date.

What The Album Tells Us About Them: Prince meets David Bowie. Yes, we know that’s high praise, but if Fleming keeps writing and releasing albums, he has the potential to amass a library of greatness equal to those musical icons who came before. With “Internet Arms” he already has a horse in the race.

Track Stuck On Repeat: We’ve listened to it all, front to back, too many times to count, but some of the notables are “Not Ready To Go,” “Stuck In Your Saturday Night,” and “Doubt.”

And that means…

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